Update MyPiDNS

Update MyPiDNS

Update MyPIDNS

  1. sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
  2. sudo docker-compose stop pihole
  3. sudo docker-compose pull pihole
  4. sudo docker-compose up -d pihole


Cannot pull the docker image

  1. Error message

    Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  2. Fix it by add fixed ip in the /etc/hosts file like

    • Get the work IP by nslookup registry-1.docker.io
    • Open the /etc/hosts file
    • Add the line at the end of the file like registry-1.docker.io

Cannot connect the cloudflare API

  1. Error message

    curl: (6) Could not resolve host: api.cloudflare.com
  2. Fix it by add fixed ip in the /etc/hosts file like (optional)

    • Get the work IP by nslookup api.cloudflare.com
    • Open the /etc/hosts file
    • Add the line at the end of the file like api.cloudflare.com
  3. Stop the docker image

    sudo docker-compose stop cloudflare_ddns
  4. Find the related the old container and remove it

    sudo docker ps -a | grep cloudflare
    sudo docker rm [CONTAINER_ID]
  5. Update the image and start it again

    sudo docker-compose pull cloudflare_ddns
    sudo docker-compose up -d cloudflare_ddns

Cannot access grafana plugin url

  1. Error message

    Error: ✗ Failed to send request: Get "https://grafana.com/api/plugins/repo/grafana-piechart-panel": dial tcp: lookup grafana.com on X.X.X.X:53: server misbehaving
  2. Stop the docker image

    sudo docker-compose stop grafana
  3. Find the related the old container and remove it

    sudo docker ps -a | grep grafana
    sudo docker rm [CONTAINER_ID]
  4. Update the image and start it again

    sudo docker-compose pull grafana
    sudo docker-compose up -d grafana